Monday, Nov 6, 2023 | 9:37

Within the framework of the cooperation between ISO and UNCTAD, on 2nd Nov 2023, Dr Ha Minh Hiep – Acting Director General of STAMEQ joined and shared experience in in the fishery sector, focusing on standardization and national quality infrastructure at UNCTAD Training Workshop on Adding value sustainably to fisheries and aquaculture products for exports

As part of the ISO Action Plan for developing countries, the ISO capacity building unit is working on a joint UNCTAD-ISO initiative to support Angola in the country’s Blue Economy and adding value to fisheries and aquaculture for experts.

Angolan participants in the workshop will include practicians and experts from public and private institutions dealing with the fishery and aquaculture sector, experts in fish inspection, exporters, sectoral experts, and consumer associations, as well as actors of the broader Blue Economy, with practical and technical knowledge about trade, development policies and international standards pertaining to food quality and safety.

Dr Hiep contributed to the workshop by sharing the experience in the fishery sector, focusing on standardization and national quality infrastructure. He also appreciated the role of ISO in supporting Viet Nam NQI on the food, fish and aquaculture sector and had proposal for ISO and UNCTAD as: ISO to pay more attention in the seafood supply chain, related to sustainable development goals and together with national standard bodies to promote standards education in universities, colleges  and more awareness raising to consumers; UNCTAD supports projects related to the SDGs in coastal and island communities, projects on seafood processing by-products; supports projects young professional program and standards education for standardization for food safety, fisheries,…